Pierburg CWA100-2 Water Pump
- Order number: 7.02500.29.0.0
Pierburg's electric water pump in the medium capacity range.
- Robust and innovative design
- Brushless canned motor
- Integrated variable speed controller
- Controllable via PWM
- Reliable and maintenance free
- High delivery rates
Pierburg CWA100
The CWA100 is a performance enhanced version of the CWA50. The dimensions and the weight is nearly the same.
This closes the gap between the CWA50 and the CWA200. (Sometimes also called CWA100-2)
Suitable for instance for intercooling in combustion engine vehicles and cooling of various systems in electrical vehicles.
- Name: "Pierburg CWA100-2"
- Operation voltage: 8-16 volts
- Weight: approx. 1.0 kg
- Current consumption: 8.5A max. / (approx. 0.2mA in standby mode)
- Nominal diff. pressure: ≥ 0.75 bar *
- Flow rate: approx. 30-35 l/min @ 0.75bar / 40-45 l/min @ 0.50bar
- Speed: approx. 7000 rpm
- Temperature range: -40°C – 110°C (water) / -40°C – 120°C (ambient)
- Protection: IP 67 + IP 69 K
Part numbers:
- Pierburg: 7.02500.29.0
- Ford: DR3V 8K232 AA / DR3Z 8501 A
CWA100 Datasheet EN (pdf)
3D CAD files:
CWA100 3D CAD (zip)
PWM Info:
CWA PWM Info (pdf)
* Pump pressure is not the same as the system pressure.
Those pumps can of course be used in normal automotive cooling systems with system pressures
in the range of 0.8 to 1.2 bar for instance.
The pump pressure or differential pressure expresses the ´resistance´ of which the pump has to work against.
Tip: A mechanical thermostat is responsible for about half of that resistance. (in most cars)
We will gladly provide you with our controller (tinyCWA) to control the pump.
Just write us an email in this matter or take a look here at our online store. :-)